Our Day

The School Day

The doors open for children at 8:40. All of our teachers welcome children in and the Head teacher (as often as is possible) is on the playground in the morning.

The register is taken at 8:50.

Playtime is at 10:30 until 10:45, with lunch starting at 12:00 for an hour.

There is a short afternoon break for Key Stage 1 at 2:20 to 2:30.

Our Foundation Stage class does not have a set playtime in the morning and afternoon; their classroom door is always open, with continuous provision and taught sessions taking place both in and out of the classroom.

All classes finish at 3:20pm

Usually, the morning learning is based around maths and literacy, including guided reading and phonics. The afternoon is usually more ‘topic based’. Our ICT suite is used throughout the day, and indoor gymnastics/dance can be in the morning or the afternoon. Our games coach comes in during the afternoons.

We have assembilies throughout the week.  Our Monday assembly is linked to our ‘Whole School values and Learning Behaviours’, our ‘Singing’ assembly is on a Thursday morning and the Friday afternoon assembly is our ‘Celebration Assembly’.

Our uniform is simple and practical; a blue sweatshirt or cardigan, a pale blue polo shirt and grey skirt or trousers. Uniform is available to order in store and online from Monkhouses in Cheadle Hulme. It is also available to order online from My Clothing at the following link:- My Clothing

Book bags and PE bags can be purchased from the school office.

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