
“Art speaks where words are unable to explain”

At Moss Hey:  We enjoy, explore, develop skills and evaluate art in and beyond the classroom. To develop an appreciation and love for a wide range of artists who have influenced the world in which we live in.


At Moss Hey Primary School we value Art and Design as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. We aim to provide our pupils with opportunities to express their curiosity, independence and creative thinking through developing their knowledge and skills using a range of media and materials.

Children learn the art of drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles, 3D work and digital art. Throughout all year groups, children learn to explore and evaluate their art skills and ideas as well as developing an appreciation on famous artists and art beyond the classroom.

The teaching and implementation of the Art and Design Curriculum at Moss Hey Primary School is based on the National Curriculum.  We have created a whole school overview and progression map which identify specific areas of art for each year group that builds upon knowledge and skills.

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