Reading at Moss Hey Primary


Reception and Year 1

  • Daily phonics teaching following Essential Letters and Sounds
  • Children are introduced to a decodable book each Friday in the review lesson and this is taken home to focus on their new learning and to increase confidence and fluency
  • Extra intervention sessions for targeted children
  • Assessments every 5 weeks

Accessing phonics BEYOND Year 1:

  • Phonics sessions delivered to targeted children in small intervention groups
  • Teachers to include phonics teaching where the need is identified

Our Reading Scheme

For our reading scheme we use Reading Recovery up Sapphire RR30. 

  • Children in Reception and Year 1 take a reading recovery book home as a ‘share at home book’.
  • From Year 2 children take a book home to develop their reading skills.
  • Children are benchmarked to ensure they are reading at the appropriate level
  • Each child has a reading diary. This is a reading dialogue between home and school.
  • Once children have finished the books with Sapphire RR30, they are able to choose reading books in their year group. These have all been lexiled to ensure that the reading age and content is appropriate and offers the correct level of challenge.
  • 1:1 reading

Teaching Reading:

Year 2 to Year 6

We follow the Leicester Inference strategies for the teaching of reading and this is introduced from Year 2. Reading is taught daily.

  • Monday – whole class reading: introduction of extract/text - teacher modelling
  • Tuesday to Friday –further exploration of the text through independent tasks and focus group teaching
  • Reading strategies are also explicitly taught during the first stage of our writing journey


  • 1:1 daily reading sessions
  • Nessy
  • Shine (reading comprehension)

Tracking progress:

  • Termly assessments: Year 2 to Y6 use
  • Daily reading records (home/school)
  • Guided reading sessions
  • Book band tracking sheet
  • Interventions tracking and assessing

Class book:

  • Reception have at least 2 whole class stories a day
  • Each year group has a class book – the staff member in the class reads at least 10 minutes a day.
  • Class books are chosen to expose children to a range of genres and authors. As well as reflecting experiences and perspectives that are similar and different from their own.

Reading for Enjoyment

Reading is a priority and forms part of our culture.

  • Our library is at the heart of school - timetabled for all to use
  • Teachers are reading experts and demonstrate a love of books
  • Class read from Year 2 
  • Book corners in all classrooms 
  • High quality books chosenfor writing journey- each class has an overview linked to books 
  • Mystery readers
  • Class reading scrapbook
  • Reading parent workshops
  • Recommending good reads - class reading lists- based on pie Corbett reading spines, reading spine, books for topics 
  • Reading buddies
  • Celebrate poetry week world book day
  • Readathons- Sponsored read
  • Whole school book projects
  • Links with Simply books(local book shop)
  • Visits to Bramhall library

Classroom Environment

  • Each class has a reading area
  • Access to quality books
  • Reading strategies displayed
  • Books linked to year group themes are displayed


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