Our Curriculum Overview

Our Intent

At Moss Hey our challenging and creative curriculum inspires our children to know more and remember more.  We develop curious, resilient and enthusiastic learners to prepare our pupils for the next phase of education and beyond.


Our curriculum is carefully sequenced, with clear starting points, meaningful links and clear end points.  Each subject has its own planning journey with core learning and vocabulary identified.  We have termly themes that usually have a strong history or geography focus.  Our whole school values and learning behaviours run through our curriculum.



Moss Hey Pathway – our medium term plans ensure progression and coverage of the curriculum throughout the school.  The pathway is driven by the purpose for writing.  Where it fits teachers plan and deliver the writing focus around the termly theme.  Quality texts are selected carefully and used as a stimulus.

In reception and Year 1 the writing journey is linked very closely to our phonics scheme.  This is where the foundations are built for developing fine motor skills, handwriting, sentence structure, building words and a love for writing.

From Year 2 we follow our Moss Hey Writing journey – this incorporates reading skills, drama and grammar.  The writing journey gives lots of opportunities for the children to explore different genres, authors and writing styles.  Challenge by choice is incorporated within the journey.


For all of our children to be fluent, confident readers and apply the sounds taught (through Essential Letters and Sounds) to all aspects of their learning so they become highly-skilled readers.

Phonics is taught using Essential Letters and Sounds. The scheme aims to build children's speaking and listening skills in their own right as well as to prepare children for learning to read by developing their phonic knowledge and skills. It is a fully systematic, synthetic programme for teaching phonic skills.


We promote and celebrate reading for pleasure.  Reading opportunities are included in all areas of the curriculum and each year group have a class book read by the teacher.

Teaching of reading: this is planned and delivered in the form of whole class, guided groups and individual reading.  Children are taught reading strategies following the Leicester Inference approach to enable children to be confident and skilled readers.


We plan following White Rose.  Learning is based on the 3 aims – fluency, problem solving and reasoning.  Our teaching and learning allows children to explore concepts, grow in confidence and deepen their understanding.  We have joined the Maths Hub and implement mastery maths into all our teaching and learning.  Challenge by choice is used within lessons across the school. 


Through the teaching and learning of Science we will provide the foundations for understanding the world and will strive to create opportunities for children to gain an understanding of how science impacts our daily lives. There will be an element of ‘Working Scientifically’ within each science lesson to enable children to develop a variety of skills to make progress and broaden their scientific view of the world around them.   Teaching and learning is delivered through planned units.  Some units of work are ongoing throughout the year and others are half termly.

Foundation Subjects

Teaching and learning is carefully sequenced for each subject.  Every unit of learning is planned through a set of enquiry questions which lead to the end point.  There is an over-arching termly theme which is usually history or geography based and pupils explore the theme question through the foundation subjects, making relational links.  Trips and workshops are carefully planned for to increase children’s curiosity and understanding.


  • Our internal and external data reflects very good progress and attainment in all subjects
  • Pupils books show a learning journey, which is creative, challenging, develops curiosity and where knowledge is built upon.
  • Pupils are able to use our ‘Golden Thread values’ and learning behaviours to move onto the next phase of their learning.



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